Store Logo Stickers

Store Logo Stickers


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Ever wanted one of the stickers I seal my orders with to use yourself? Well now's your chance! Show off your favorite stim toy shop on your water bottle, journal, laptop, or anything else your heart desires!

A 2 inch round lavender sticker. Across the top the sticker says "Jules's Warm Fuzzies" in curved purple text. At the bottom it says "Handcrafted Goods" in that same purple text. In the center is a beige rounded door shape (almost like a ghost? It's round on top but flat on the bottom with a little ruffle pattern on the bottom edge). In the beige shape is an outline of a pair of hands with their palms facing inwards and up. In between them, looking like it's hovering, is a heart shaped pie with purple filling. All around the hands and pie are little stars and sparkles. Above the Pie in purple text it reads "made with love".



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